Change is life just as in the seasons of the year. As I watch my surroundings, the trees and flowers, the fields, rushing to burst forth with new life, new growth after the barren winter months, I am reminded that every day is new. The winter is a necessary component of life. All the old must die away to make room for the new. The beautiful blossoms on the dogwoods and plum trees around me would hardly be impressive if last year's leaves were still in foliage.
How fitting then, that the dark "winters" of life are also a necessity. The difficulties and dark times in our lives produce untold strength and good in us. Firstly, it serves to build character and strength, humility and sensitivity to the hurts and needs of others. Secondly, we gain a new appreciation for the times when things are "easy", more pleasant.
Life is a blessing not to be taken for granted. I am learning to appreciate, indeed even welcome, the winter. I see so much productivity in difficulty that I cannot do less than be filled with gratitude for the strength that it produces. Fortitude and of the "winter" of life. Springtime is a mixed bag...a little tease now and then of warm and beautiful weather. Then the wind and a little rain, a little cold, come along and remind us that winter has not yet fully passed. So in life we enjoy the good times and work through the tough times...not just merely survive them, but thrive.
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